Saturday, August 28, 2010

First House; Hawaiian Home I

After moving back to the United States from Monrovia, Liberia, my husband and I lived in Honolulu, Hi. again. We rented a place on the beach in Lanikai where they raised the rent and the traffic over the Pali was horrible. Moved on to Waimanalo, where our bedroom was next to the carport so every time the owners came and went we smelled exhaust and heard an old chevy engine start. We also heard a dying man groan while he listened to KCCN radio music. He was an old Hawaiian man. I saw an ad for a house in Kalihi Valley for $32,000.. Called my husband and he and my uncle and another friend from the English department went to take a look at this place which cost a third of the going rate then in Honolulu. They said it was okay, so I looked at it and we bought it with the help of our families and an agreement of sale with the United pilot who owned it.

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